What is Breathwork & how does it work?

Breathwork refers to any breathing exercise or technique in which breathing is done in a conscious, controlled manner intentionally channeling focus on the breath. Did you know that  most of us are breathing incorrectly?

Babies and small children usually breathe very well, using all of their lung capacity and often in connected breaths. However, with the repressions that society and education impose, from a very young age children start to repress their emotions and disconnect from their natural divinity. 

The way they do this is to hold their breath, reducing the amount of air that enters their lungs. little by little this leads to a disconnection with themselves and their body. Holding the breath then becomes a habit until it reaches the point that our breathing mechanism gets inhibited and repressed emotions turn into blockages and tensions. 

Breathwork can influence a person's mental, emotional, and physical state, with a therapeutic effect. The basic idea of breathwork is to release toxins and stress when you breathe out and nourish your mind and body when you breathe in. Breathwork is helpful for relaxation and stress in a similar way to meditation. It is one of the most powerful tools that we can master and we all carry that knowledge and power within us, with our lungs! It is the most accessible wellness practice out there. Anyone can do it, regardless of age or other medical conditions, so as long as you find the breathing techniques that work best for you. 

Having stress management techniques that include breathwork is one way to help you step back from the chaos and keep your mind and body healthy. Breathwork helps calm you down and move your body and mind out of fight or flight mode. It is one way to activate your body’s parasympathetic nervous system to help you de-escalate and de-stress.

*check out the Rebirthing breathwork blog and how our birth story affects us


What is Rebirthing Breathwork & how does our birth story affect us?


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