What is Rebirthing Breathwork & how does our birth story affect us?

Rebirthing is based on practicing sessions of connected or circular breathing, spiritual psychology or creative thinking, and spiritual purification. Rebirthing is the most complete and natural way to release old subconscious beliefs and to integrate more confidence, trust and pleasure into your body and soul. It changes the negative thoughts about life that people have integrated until the patterns that have been created in body and mind are dissolved. 

Rebirthing sessions repair the physical, mental and emotional damage that has been caused at birth as a result of the struggle for the first breath.  Even though birth may naturally be a difficult moment, the main struggles are usually caused by birth professionals’s lack of sensitivity and ignorance. This is the main reason why people sub-ventilate when they breathe, they're breathing mechanism is inhibited because it is repressing the fear they felt at birth. 

During our birth, when we take our first breath, we crystallize our very first experience in this world and make many conclusions about ourselves and about the world. Sadly this first experience is often one of pain. The parents especially, the mothers, usually give their power away to unconscious doctors instead of getting a good preparation for the birth (which includes overcoming their own birth trauma), becoming deeply connected with their baby and following their intuition. 

Each type of birth leaves a cellular memory which has a huge impact on the person. Although each situation is unique and each baby has its own unique way of interpreting reality, studies reveal patterns that are often very similar according to the type of birth.

The way we were born is also our first success in life. our subconscious learned all the steps we went through as the way to succeed. We usually repeat this pattern in many areas of our life, especially when we do something new. This is what we call the birth script.

It is therefore important to change the painful or destructive parts of it. 

As a Rebirther, my main goal is to teach you how to heal yourself, and to be aware of how you create your reality. 

Teaching someone how to heal themselves is the ultimate gift!


What is Breathwork & how does it work?