Placenta Encapsulation:

What is the Placenta?

The word placenta comes from the Latin word “cake” or “disc shaped”. Some refer to the placenta as the baby’s “first mother”. The placenta is formed from the same sperm and egg cells that form the baby. It has two functions, both maternal and fetal. The placenta is a disposable organ attached to the inside of your womb during pregnancy. This incredible organ is the ONLY disposable organ that the human body creates and then naturally discards once its purpose is fulfilled. The placenta acts as a comforting womb mate to your baby. The common “shush” sounds imitates the sound of blood flow that was occurring from the placenta while the baby was in the womb.

What is placentophagia?

This is the process of a new mother consuming her placenta postpartum by either eating the placenta raw, cooked, in capsule form or drinking the juices from the placenta once it is cooked. This is not an issue for Vegan mothers because nothing was harmed to bring about the organ meat for consumption.

Some of the things the placenta can help with:

  • Preventing and lessening the risk of postpartum depression

  • Replenishing your iron from blood loss during birth and to prevent postpartum anemia

  • Lending you a consistent flow of oxytocin long after your birth euphoria ends

  • Providing the HPL hormone to help establish early and healthy milk supply

  • To stabilize your ever changing hormones post birth

  • To replenish your B vitamins and energy that were used during the birthing process

  • Protection from infection and bleeding due to retained placenta tissue or membranes

  • Offer natural pain relief from the labor and birth of the baby

The placenta is an amazing organ equipped with it’s own ability to prevent, control, and treat postpartum bleeding. Many midwives have been using this treatment for years, in place of locally injected or IV drugs.

In nature, nearly ALL mammals consume their placenta.


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