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“Pam’s presence offered me the safety and support my nervous system needed to move through such a big tsunami of emotions. Her intuition always guiding me to where I needed to go.” Karen

“I slept really well. That was really powerful for me and brought up a lot of things. It was so amazing everything we talked about was perfect!! You have a gift, really! You can hone in and connect with people. This has opened up so much. I am getting myself back oh man it feels so good. I have felt very lost. I’m on the right path to getting back to me. Thank you thank you!! ps..I don’t feel the knot in my back at all. It’s gone!”


“Pam gave me both empowerment and endless knowledge during my pregnancy and well after the birth of my daughter. A lot of what we worked through togther was done virtually and it was so relieving to have a doula so caring, strong, & informative that I could turn to at anytime.”


“I am so gratefeul for her space holding and her ability to keep guiding me with calm yet powerful direction. In her container I never felt pressure to breathe deeper, faster, I was going at my own pace which was beautiful acknowledgment of my own power in keeping a smooth momentum. Pam provided me with the space release by witnessing & holding me.”


Teaching someone how to heal themselves is the ultimate gift”

“I felt like I could for once step into a new identity and didn’t feel as stuck in a loop. Exactly what I was seeking! I haven’t felt my stomach move that much after a session. I am so glad and grateful I did it!”


“Over the years I have experienced many different healing modalities but this was my first intro to breathwork and what an introduction it was!”


“The breathwork I did with Pam was absolutely amazing! It was an incredible journey that left me feeling rejuvenated, grounded, and transformed. The guidance was clear, gentle, and supportive, which allowed me to surrender fully to the experience. This truly was an immersive experience that left me feeling connected to my inner self. I felt a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. The positive effects of the breathwork session continued long after it ended. Being a male, I've always felt reserved to open up and dig deeper on past experiences. Pam made it easy for me to reflect and helped incorporate that into the breathwork. I'm convinced anyone can benefit from this.I t was a very transformative experience that I will cherish for a long time to come &  can't wait to do it again!
